In this post we write only Power Point Extra options not include in MS.word and Excel Functions like- Cut, Copy, Paste and other same function. So you learn in post only Power Point options with Shortcut keys and interviews questions and answer let’s begin start to read post . 



Microsoft Power Point is an application program. This program make by America’s famous company Microsoft Corporation. The Director of this Company Mr. Bill Gates and the Extension of this software .PPT. Power Point Application mostly used to create different types of presentations so this program called the presentation program. 



New Slide (Ctrl + M): This option is used to insert a new slide in the current presentation.

Slide Layout: This option is used to change the layout of selected slide like- Blank Slide, Title Slide etc.

Reset: This option is used to reset position, like- reset size, formatting etc. to the current slide. 

Delete : This option is used to delete current slide. 

Character Spacing : This option is used only set difference between character. 

Text Shadow :- By this option Set Shadow for the Selected Text. 

Column : By this option Split text to or more column in current slide. 

Text Direction : By this option change text orientation vertical, stacked or rotate to own desire direction. 

Convert to Smart Art : By this option convert to text smart art graphics to visually communicate information. 

Arrange : By this option arrange objects on the slide by changing order, position and rotation. 

Shape Quick Style: By this option we choose visual style for the shape and line. 

Shape Fill/Outline : By this option fill color and outline for the selected shape. 

Shape Effect : By this option apply visual effect to the selected shape like – Shape Shadow, Glow, 3D rotation etc. 


Photo Album : By this option create presentation based photo album for the selected pictures. 

Hyperlink (Ctrl+K) : By this option create a link to web page, picture, email or programs. 

Date & Time /Slide Number : By this option add current slide and page number for the open slide at the Footer position of the slide. 

Object : By this option insert embeded objects. 

Movie/Sound : By this option insert movie clips and sound into presentation. 


Page Setup/Page Orientation : By this option set slide size and orientation. 

Theme : By this option apply pre define themes for the current slide. 

Background Style : By this option set Background Colors, Images etc. 

Hide Background Graphics : By this option we hide background theme designs. 


Slide Preview : By this option see preview like animation, slide transition for the created slide. 

Custom Animation : When click this option open the custom Animation task pane and set pre define animation effect for the selected shapes & text. 

Slide Transition : By this option set pre defined slide transition for the current slide. 

Transition sound : By this option set Pre define Sound for the current slide like – Arrow, Bomb, Camera etc. 

Transition Speed : By this option set animate speed fast, slow and medium transition between the previous slide and current slide. 

On Mouse Click : By this option set mouse click during the slide presentation. 

Automatically After : By this option set current slide move to the next slide after a certain time. 

Full details of Ms Word Menu Bar Functions


From Beginning (F5): Start the Slide Show presentation form first slide to end slide. 

From Current Slide Show (Shift+F5) : Start the Slide show presentation form current slide to end slide. 

Custom Slide Show : By this option create custom slide presentation this option display only you selected slide. 

Setup Slide : By this option set Advance Slide show Setup like – Full Screen, Loop Presentation, Custom Show etc. 

Hide Slide : Hide the current slide. It will not display during the full screen presentation. 

Record Narration : This option is work after attached microphone. 

Rehearse Timing : By this option see time during the rehearse of presentation. 


Normal View : This is default view of power point . This view see Slide Normal. 

Slide Shorter View : By this option see all slide short view for current file and slide shorter view easily arrange slides. 

Notes Page : View the Notes page, Edit and see look when you printout. 

Slide Show (F5): Start the Slide show for the current file. 

Slide Master View : Open Slide master view to change design and layout of the master slide. 

Handout Master View : To change the design and layout of printed handout. 

Notes Master : Open note master view. 

Ruler/Grid line : By this option Display and Hide Ruler and Gridline. 

Zoom/Fit To Window : By this option see slide Zoom and after zooming used fit to windows. 

Color/Gray scale/Black & White : By this option change color slide to Grayscale and black and white. 

New Window : By this option open a new window continuing a view of the current window. 

Arrange All : Help of this option till all open program windows side by side on the screen. 

Cascade : Cascade the open document. 

Move Split : After click this buttons use the arrow key to move the splitters and then press enter to return the document. 

Switch Window : Switch to a different current the open windows. 

Macro : View the list of macro from which you can run or delete macro. 

Some Interview Questions 

1. How to Open power point in run command Shortcut ? 

Step –1 Press Windows + “R” button.
Step-2 Type CMD in Run box.
Step-3 Now type 'powerpnt' and press Enter button open power point application if install your computer. 

2. How to go to next slide in power point? 

Step-1 Go to Next slide in PowerPoint Press N, Right arrow, Down arrow, or Space bar.
Step-2 Mouse: Click once anywhere on a slide to move to the next one. 

3. What is Power Point pen color shortcut ?

During the Power Point slideshow by using keyboard shortcuts are set to k = black, u = blue, r = red 

4. What do you mean by slide template ? 

In Power Point already pre define Templates you can create your own custom templates and store them, reuse them, and share them with others. 

End the Post :- 

I hope you better under stand what is power point, power point shortcut keys after reading this post. If any questions related this topic please comment us our teams response you quickly.   

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