पिछली पोस्ट के माध्यम से आपने एम.एस. वर्ड सॉफ्टवेयर में इस्तेमाल होने वाली महत्वपूर्ण शॉर्टकट की के बारे में जाना था  आप आज की इस पोस्ट में एक्सेल प्रोग्राम में प्रयोग होने वाली शॉर्टकट की के बारे में पढ़ेंगे मुझे आशा है की आपको एम.एस. वर्ड में प्रयोग होने वाली शॉर्टकट की पता चल गई होगी अगर कंप्यूटर से संबंधित कोई भी समस्या है, तो आप हमें टिप्पणी कर सकते हैं। आपकी समस्या का जल्द से जल्द समाधान किया जाएगा।



Display Help Box.
correct the String / Text of Selected Cell
Use for GO TO Cell Option
For Spell check in the entire worksheet
Select the cells from to range
go to the Menu Bar
Merge the current sheet in to CHART
Save the copy of Current Workbook
SHIFT   +  F2
Insert comment
SHIFT   +  F3
Open the Insert Function dialog Box
SHIFT   +  F4
Used to repeat the Last Action
SHIFT   +  F5
Used for FIND / REPLACE command
SHIFT   +  F8
get the Addition of Two Selected Cells
SHIFT   +  F10
Open the shortcut menu for selected Item
SHIFT   +  F11
Insert the new worksheet
SHIFT   +  F12
Save the File
CTRL    +  F3
Define the Name of Selected cells (Create cell reference)
CTRL    +  F4
Close the Active Workbook
CTRL    +  F5
Use to Arrange the Window of Worksheet in Tide Style
CTRL    +  F9
Minimize the Current Worksheet
CTRL    +  F10
Maximize the Worksheet
CTRL    +  F11
CTRL    +  F12
Save a Copy of active Workbook
ALT      +  F1
Merge the current sheet in to CHART
ALT      +  F2
Save a Copy of active Workbook
ALT      +  F4
Close the Excel     or      Exit from Excel
CTRL   +  ALT   +   F1
Use to Refresh the Monitor
CTRL   +   ;
Insert Current Date
CTRL   +   SHIFT   +   ;
Insert Current Time
CTRL   +   1
Shortcut For Opening dialog Box of Format Cell
CTRL   +   2
Use to Bold the Selected Text / cell
CTRL   +   3
Use to Italic the Selected Text  / cell
CTRL   +   4
Use to Underline the Selected Text / Cell
CTRL   +   5
Use to Strikethrough the Selected Text / Cell
CTRL   +   6
Disable / Enable Drawings Tool
CTRL   +   7
Hide / Unhide Standard Tools Bar
CTRL   +   8
Use to Show the Outline Symbols
CTRL   +   9
Hide a Row
CTRL   +   0
Hide a Column
CTRL   +   -
Delete Column / Row / Cell
CTRL   +   +
Insert Column / Row
CTRL   +   Right Arrow
Move the insertion point to the next cell containing text /string on right side
CTRL   +   Left Arrow
Move the insertion point to the previous cell containing text /string on left side
CTRL   +   Up Arrow
Move the insertion point to the upper cell containing text /string on left side
CTRL   +   Down Arrow
Move the insertion point to the Lower cell containing text /string on left side
CTRL   + Insert
Copy selected cell 
CTRL   + Delete
Delete Selected Cell
CTRL   + Home
Move on The extreme Left Upper Cell in the Active Worksheet
CTRL   + End
Move on The extreme Last Fill Cell in the Active Worksheet
CTRL   + Page Up
Move on the previous worksheet in the Active Workbook
CTRL   + Page Down
Move on the Next worksheet in the Active Workbook
CTRL   + Spacebar
select the Entire Column
CTRL   + Esc
Open the Start Menu Bar
Use to Jump From File Menu to Tool Menu
CTRL   + A
select the Whole Active Worksheet
CTRL   + B
Bold the Selected Cell / Text
CTRL   + C
Copy selected cell / Text / Object
CTRL   + D
Fill the Same Item in the Exact upper Cell to the selected cell/s
CTRL   + F
Find some thing in the active worksheet
CTRL   + G
use the Go to Command
CTRL   + H
Replace some thing in the Active Worksheet
CTRL   + I
convert Selected String into Italic Style
CTRL   + K
Insert Hyperlink
CTRL   + L
create List
CTRL   + N
Open New Workbook
CTRL   + O
Open Already Save File
CTRL   + P
Print Current Sheet
CTRL   + S
Save the Worksheet
CTRL   + U
Underline the Selected Text
CTRL   + V
Paste the Copied Items .
CTRL   + W
Close the Active Workbook
CTRL   + X
Cut the Selected Items
CTRL   + Y
Use for REDO command
CTRL   + Z
Use for UNDO command
Jump from One Cell to Another on Right Side
Jump from One Cell to Another on Left Side
ALT     + TAB
Switch between the Open Applications / Windows
Space Bar
Clear the Contents of Selected Cell
Clear the Contents of Selected Cell
ALT   + Space Bar
Display the System Menu of Active Application
ALT   + -
Display the System Menu of Active Window in Active Application
Directly jump into Font Style
Directly jump into Font Size
Submit the Current Time in the selected Cell
CTRL + SHIFT + Page up / down
Select Two Sheet in One Time
SHIFT  +  CTRL   +   Right Arrow
Select the Entire Range in Row from current to Next Fill Cell towards right side
SHIFT  +  CTRL   +   Left Arrow
Select the Entire Range in Row from current to Next Fill Cell towards lift side
SHIFT  +  CTRL   +   Up Arrow
Select the Entire Range in Column from current to Next Fill Cell towards up
SHIFT  +  CTRL   +   Down Arrow
Select the Entire Range in Column from current to Next Fill Cell towards below
SHIFT  +  CTRL   +   9
Unhide the Hidden Column
SHIFT  +  CTRL   +   0
Unhide the Hidden Row

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